RANCH is one of 16 Neighbourhood House Networks (NHN) across Victoria.
Our network consists of 29 funded and 4 unfunded Neighbourhood Houses located in the:
Central Goldfields Shire
City of Greater Bendigo
Loddon Shire
Macedon Ranges Shire
Mount Alexander Shire
Shire of Campaspe.
Neighbourhood House Networks link Neighbourhood Houses and their communities to:
Other Neighbourhood Houses and communities within the region
Other Neighbourhood House Networks
The Neighbourhood House’s peak body, Neighbourhood Houses Victoria (NHVic)
Local Governments
State Government.
Our extensive knowledge of the Neighbourhood Houses in our region allows us to advocate for our members to the various layers of Government and to work collaboratively with NHV to develop strategies for the whole sector.
We facilitate:
Individual support to our members
Regional collaboration among our members on issues, needs and projects
Representation and advocacy on regional issues and needs to the NHV, Local and State Governments.
The range and priority of services undertaken by the RANCH is directed by the membership and includes:
Service and program planning and development
Community development practice
Governance and management
Resources and training
Community education.
Our Governance
RANCH Inc is an independent incorporated association managed by a volunteer committee of up to 10 members elected by RANCH members at the Annual General Meeting.
Nominations for the RANCH Committee of Management are called for prior to our Annual General meeting from our member Houses. The Executive committee consists of a Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer.
Responsibilities of the RANCH Committee of Management:
The RANCH COM practices a Governance Model to ensure the Network is run in an efficient manner for the benefit of its members.
The COM is responsible for ensuring that the Network keeps up with and complies with all regulations under the Associations Act. This includes keeping proper records and meeting legal requirements.
Financial Accountability
The COM is responsible for ensuring the proper management of all finances, that an external audit is carried out annually and that RANCH complies with the accountability requirements of all funding bodies.
The COM establishes and reviews long-range goals identified in the current Strategic Plan.
The Strategic Plan is reviewed on a 3 yearly basis.
The COM employs all paid staff and is responsible for ensuring that all necessary obligations are met including informing staff of their employment entitlements and conditions.
The COM is responsible for establishing, recording and reviewing policies on all matters concerning the Network. For details of our complaints handling process please click here.
The COM is responsible for monitoring all aspects of the services provided by RANCH Inc. including progression of strategies to implement the Strategic Plan.
Current Committee of Management
President/Chairperson: Tracey Moss (Eaglehawk & Kangaroo Flat)
Secretary: to be appointed
Treasurer: Trevor Crane (Echuca)
Ordinary Members
Louise Newsome (Boort)
Melissa Baker (Woodend)
Sarah Peake (Echuca)
Carolyn Palmer (Maldon)
RANCH Network Manager
Kaz Williams (networker@ranch.net.au)
Our Funding
Department of Fairness, Families and Housing (DFFH)
NH Networks receive recurrent funding from the DFFH through the Neighbourhood House Coordination Program (NHCP
DFFH provides coordination funding to Neighbourhood House Networks to facilitate governance and management support, advice on programs & service development, training & training resources to Neighbourhood Houses within their Network and to provide capacity building and effective linkages with and between Neighbourhood Houses and other community organisations at the local and regional level.
The level of this funding is determined by the number of Neighbourhood Houses in each Network, although the challenges of distance and the costs of travel are not factored in.
Membership Fees
Our members pay a nominal annual membership fee which is determined according to their DFFH funding.
Additional funding is sought through grants for network projects.
Our Resources
RANCH works to empower Community and Neighbourhood Houses & Learning Centres. Here you can find a wide range of tools and resources that can support member Houses to effectively manage and govern their Community and Neighbourhood House or Learning Centre.